Homemade Dog Food

In the fight between Manufactured VS Homemade Dog Food, dog owners are torn, confused and left in-between in deciding which is best for man’s best friend.

Given that healthy nutritional meals are as important as well-rounded exercise and regular check ups for any dog, a responsible dog owner would opt for the best ways and the best of available dog consumables which ensure that his/her dog gets to lead the fullest life possible.

But the cost increase of manufactured dog food has left that resolve in many dog owners in question, with many seeking alternatives, essentially tipping the battle towards the “homemade dog food’s” side, not that it’s a bad thing.

If you’re exploring the area of making your own dog food for the pooch, here are some points worth considering.

The Time Aspect – making your own dog food eats your time. In a sense, the popularity of manufactured dog food hails from this reality, and as such, if you intend to make your own dog food, you’ll have to consider if you have the time to do so, then set appropriate schedules to suit.

What Dogs Would Eat – there’s an ongoing misconception that dogs only eat meat, with bones as preferred nibble treats. Though this is true as a “dog’s preferred set menu”, this doesn’t mean that meat and bones are the only things with dogs consume. A vegetarian diet is possible for dogs, as well as a fish and meat diet. Chicken and vegetable meals are also acceptable, with many variations combining corn, vegetables and various meat-based table scraps often applied as homemade dog food items.

At most, dog owners could set a weekend or a day off to prepare homemade dog food items, then store them in sealable containers. It’s a smart move, and the results are no different (if not better) compared to getting manufactured dog food.

What Dogs Shouldn’t Eat – as there are items which dogs can eat, there are also items which dogs shouldn’t eat. Chocolate would be at the top of that list, along with grapes and raisins. Macadamia Nuts and Milk-based products should also be checked, since a number of dogs don’t really respond well with them. Getting a firm grasp over a dog’s allergies would also be helpful, since some dogs don’t respond well with shellfish.

Give making your own homemade dog food a go. As taking care of your do is a lifelong responsibility, it’ll surely pay off, especially in the area of cost for dog food.

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